The entries on this list were accused of being a witch, or a heretic, or a sorceress. Basically anyone who was accused of using magic to the detriment of others, or anyone who possessed abilities that could not be explained by the science of the time. Here we go!
- Abigail Faulkner Sr, Salem Witch
- Alice Kyteler, Accused of Witchcraft in Ireland
- Agnes Waterhouse, Executed for Witchcraft in England
- Angelique Cottin, Poltergeist or Electromagnetic Girl?
- Anna Goldi, The Last Person to be Executed for Witchcraft in Europe
- Anne Hutchinson, Puritan Rule Breaker
- Anne Royall, Her "Public Scold" Trial Was Reminiscent of Witch Trials in 17th Century England
- Cora the Witch, Legend Behind the Cora Tree
- Emilie Sagee, The Teacher with a Ghostly Follower
- Elizabeth Proctor, Salem Witch
- Erzsébet Báthory de Ecsed, Was She Really a Serial Killer Though?
- Frances Griffiths, Subject of the Cottingley Fairies Photographs
- Gillis Duncan, North Berwick Witch
- Grace Sherwood, The Last Woman Convicted of Witchcraft in Virginia
- Joan of Arc, The Heavenly Heretical Warrior
- Martine Bertereau, Geologist who Claimed to Use Dowsing to Find Mineral Deposits
- Mercy Brown, Victim of the Vampire Hysteria
- Petronilla de Meath, The First Irish Woman Condemned and Burned at the Stake for Witchcraft
- Rebecca Nurse, Salem Witch
- Rosa Carmichael, The Wicked Woman of the Gettysburg Orphanage