735: Katherine Gilnagh Manning
RMS Titanic Survivor
Born: 30 October 1894, Rhine (Also Spelled Rhyne), County Longford, Ireland (Present-day Republic of Ireland)
Died: 1 March 1971, Long Island, New York, United States of America
Also Known As: Kate or Katie Gilnagh
Katherine was coming to America to join her sister who had immigrated earlier on.
Katherine was held back from entering a lifeboat several times by crew members who were trying to dissuade steerage (or third class) passengers from getting on the boats. Finally, she managed to get on board a boat after telling one of the crew members her sister was on the boat (she wasn’t—but the lie saved her life). Katherine and her three roommates all escaped on lifeboat sixteen.
At the time of the disaster, Katherine said she naively believed the ship sinking and having to get on a lifeboat was the way everyone got to America.
Katherine was eventually reunited with her sister and went on to marry and became a part of what would become the Titanic Historical Society. She had four children.
Katherine even appeared on an episode of To Tell the Truth and was also interviewed by Walter Lord when he was writing A Night to Remember.
Badges Earned:
Find a Grave Marked
Located In My Personal Library:
A Night to Remember by Walter Lord (Mentioned on the Passenger List)
How It Happened: Titanic, The Epic Story From the People Who Were There by Geoff Tibballs (Mentioned on the Passenger List)