171) Nefertiti Neferneferuaten Egyptian Queen and Great Royal Wife of Akhenaten Born: c. 1370 BC, Thebes, Egypt Died: c. 1331 BC, Egypt Her name means “Beautiful of the Beauties of Aten, a Beautiful Woman has Come.” Nefertiti is one of the most iconic figures from Ancient Egypt thanks to her alluring bust (and by that,…
Category: Royalty (Or Associated With)
170) Hatshepsut
“Now my heart turns to and fro, In thinking what will people say, They who shall see my monument in after years, And shall speak of what I have done.” -Inscription on one of Hatshepsut’s mortuary obelisks at Karnak 170) Hatshepsut Egyptian Pharaoh who Has Been Falsely Identified by Many as the First Woman in…
169) Sobekneferu
169) Sobekneferu The First Confirmed Female Pharaoh of Ancient Egypt Birth Date Unknown: Ancient Egypt Died: c.1802 BC, Ancient Egypt Alternate Name: Nefrusobek Sobekneferu’s name means “She Who Shows the Beauty of Sobek.” Sobek is one of the most powerful pharaohs the Egyptian Pantheon. He is most known as being the Crocodile god. Nefrusobek’s father…
168) Khentkaus III
168) Khentkaus III Egyptian Queen from the 5th Dynasty Lived Around 2450 BC, Ancient Egypt Alternate Spelling: Khentakawess III Her tomb was uncovered in 2015. She was either the mother or wife of Pharaoh Neferefre. The location of the tomb points to her more likely being his wife but that still isn’t certain. The confusion…
167) Justa Grata Honoria
167) Justa Grata Honoria Roman Princess and sister of Roman Emperor Valentinian III who was literally responsible for the collapse of Western Civilization Born: c.416 CE, Ravenna, Roman Empire (Modern Day Italy) Died: c.455 CE, Rome, Roman Empire (Modern Day Italy) Her brother was crowned at the age of six while she was pushed aside…
166) Nefertari Merytmut
166) Nefertari Merytmut Egyptian Queen and wife of Ramses II Died: c.1255 BC Her name means “The Beautiful Companion, Beloved of Mut” One source says Nefertari was thirteen and her husband fifteen when they married. Not much is known of her past, but she was most likely a noblewoman not of the royal family—we know…
165) Neferure
165) Neferure Daughter of the Pharaohs Hatshepsut and Thutmose II Birth and Death Dates Unknown for Certain Her name means The Beauty of Re (or Ra). Neferure was given a very good education by her mother’s top advisors. Senenmut was particularly proud of the role he played in her education—eight statues of the two of…
189) Psamtik I
189) Psamtik I One of the forgotten Great Pharaohs of Egypt Birth Date Unknown, Ancient Egypt Died: 610 BC, Ancient Egypt Alternate Name: Wahibre Psamtik Egyptian Pharaoh; the first ruler of the 26th Dynasty—which he founded after he expelled the Assyrians and reunited Egypt as a country. Psamtik I also helped push out the Kushites, moved…
179) Qin Shi Huang
179) Qin Shi Huang All Those Terracotta Warriors for One Emperor Born: c. 259 BC, Present-day Northwestern China Died: 210 BC, Present-day China Also Called Qin Shi Huangdi He was the founder of the Qin Dynasty of Ancient China, the first Emperor of a Unified China. Sadly, that unification ended less than four years after…
155) Grace O’Malley
155) Grace O’Malley Ireland’s Pirate Queen Born: c.1530, Ireland (Present-day County Mayo, Republic of Ireland) Died: 1603, Rockfleet Castle, Ireland (Present-day County Mayo, Republic of Ireland) Original Gaelic Name: Grainne Ni Maille Irish Chieftain and Pirate. She was born into the Gaelic Aristocracy and was the only child of a local leader (the way Ireland…